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Samualie, Keeleemeeoomee

Samualie, Keeleemeeoomee

Kinngait (Cape Dorset)


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Samualie, Keeleemeeoomee


Keeleemeeoomee Samualie was an artist from Kinngait (Cape Dorset), Nu with a long and prolific career, known for her drawings and prints, as well as her textile work. Her work appeared in the Cape Dorset Annual Print Collections from 1969 to 1983. Recalling her childhood on the land, she shared her memories through her work and inspired the younger generations to pursue art, including one of her grandchildren, Nicotye Samayualie.

Samualie, Keeleemeeoomee

Bird Human

18 x 21 x 9 cm

Government of Nunavut Fine Art Collection, On long-term loan to the Winnipeg Art Gallery